ANSI Compatibility

Summary: Moves Squeak quite a bit towards ANSI compatibility
Author: Richard A. Harmon
Owner: Alain Fischer (AFi)
Co-maintainers: <None>
PackageInfo name: <Not entered>
RSS feed:


This change set add ANSI compatibility to Squeak 3.2.
Now TestRunner with ANSI tests loaded show (2777 run, 2753 passed, 24
failed, 0 errors).

17 classes (8 new / 9 modified)

New classes:
ArithmeticError, DateAndTime, Duration, FloatingPointException,
RuleDate, RuleIndexDate, RuleSelectionCodeDate, ScaledDecimal

Modified Classes:
BlockContext (added method #argumentCount)
Character (added method #codePoint)
Character class (added method #codePoint:)
Float (2 methods added, 3 methods #modified)
Float class (added method #one)
Fraction (1 method added, 1 method modified)
Fraction class (added method #one)
Integer (6 methods added, 1 method modified)
Integer class (added method #one)
Number (7 methods added, 2 methods modified)
Number class (modified method #readRemainderOf:from:base:withSign:)
PositionableStream (modified method #skip:)
String (3 methods added)
TestRunner (2 methods modified)
ZeroDivide is now subclass of ArithmeticError

